Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The forest for the trees

Our second neuro midterm was yesterday. It was pretty much a massacre.

Our program ends a month from today. A bunch of AMP people hung out last night and everyone is emotionally run-down. We found out that NYMC has been accepting people who interviewed after AMP students did, so it appears NYMC is waiting until the very end to let us know if we're getting in or not.

I understand that they don't want us to lose motivation, but we have, like, lives and stuff. Waiting until mid-June makes it really difficult for us to make plans about where to live this summer, reapplying, whether we should get jobs, etc. If they're going to accept us, then the program's a success and who cares what grades I get in neuro. And if we're going to be rejected, I wish they would tell us early on so those who have to reapply can hit the ground running.

I feel like it's in NYMC's best interest for us to be happy and content and tell everyone how great the AMP is, and instead they have a class full of resentful pre-meds.

On a lighter note, my mother sent this for my birthday:
A classmate has suggested we take it around Valhalla and practice escaping from things.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Master's Thesis

We're spending all of our time studying our tails off for neuro. I don't know anyone who has made much progress with their thesis.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

NYMC interview

I had my interview on Monday with the largest group of interviewees I've ever seen-over 20. It's so late that I'd assumed they were only interviewing AMP students. But no, the last day of interviews for MD applicants wasn't until today.

It all went pretty smoothly-there was just one 30-40 minute interview. It was closed-file so my interviewee didn't know anything about me when we sat down.

Here are the interview questions I remember:

What makes you want to be a doctor?

Why do you want to go to NYMC?

Why did you pick your college?
Mine had the sweetest juggling club.

Why did you pick Biochemistry as your major?
I was trying to impress a guy. It didn't work, but it wound up being a pretty tight major.

What was your favorite elective course in undergrad?
Language Abilities in Animals, because its abbreviation was LAbiA.

What would you like me to tell the admissions committee?

It was all very pleasant. My roommate's interviewer asked her to basically recite her AMCAS, so I was happy that mine was more of a conversation.

What was NOT pleasant was being told it will be at least four weeks before we hear back from the admissions committee. That means that the people reapplying next year will start filling out their next AMCAS before finding out about NYMC.