Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Saturday, February 14, 2009

2nd Midterms Over

Holy mackerel I'm alive!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

EKG lab: After Dark

We don't have as many labs for physio as we did for histo, but they're much more entertaining.

Here Dr. Messina is testing the diving reflex of a classmate while he's hooked up to an EKG machine

We have less than a week until our next biochem/physio midterms and we're freaking out big time. Our first block midterms covered 12-15 lectures, but there will cover 60. I'm pretty sure these are not going to be my best grades at NYMC.

Last week we had both a blood drive and Student-Faculty bowling, a wonderful tradition where I learned Dr. Lerea is a secret bowling sleeper. I will treasure these happy memories as I try to memorize my face off.