Anyawkward (thank you, michael k), today we started gearing up for our first lab quiz. On Friday students go into one of the lab classrooms with the histo instructors two at a time and answer questions about slides projected on the wall. "What is this structure? What would the EM of it look like?" That kinda stuff. It only counts for 3% of the class' grade, but since there are only going to be six questions we want to be on top of our game.
Of course, the really big news is that the AMP students of the female persuasion have decided it's time for a ladies' night. The boys in the group are somehow already super chummy, with their flag football games and pickup basketball.
Fun fact: there are 12 dudes and 8 ladies in the program. I found that surprising because most med school and post-bach programs I've looked at make a huge deal of trying to keep it even. Then again, this is a pretty small program...
I wonder what will make up Ladies' Night...I don't know what the other women are into, but I've learned that Taboo pretty much equals instant friendship.
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