I spent the weekend in NYC again. I think I've only spent two weekends total in Valhalla. This time, however, I had a good reason for going out of town: tickets to a Ratatat concert! I bought them a month ago, completely forgetting that I don't like concerts. It took two awful opening acts, a 2.5 hour wait, and second-hand smoke to unleash the memories of my few hateful concert experiences. Plus side: I got a sweet t-shirt.
I will pay for my unfocused weekend by studying nonstop for our midterm on Thursday. This one will include a practical test, where we will be asked to identify and describe light and electron micrographs, not all of which we've seen before.
We only have a month more of histology lectures! After the mini-board we'll have a few weeks off (except for biostatistics) before we start the second trimester and (dun dun duuuuuun) biochem/physiology!
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