Wednesday, November 12, 2008

First-years' Team Name: Cremasters

10/23 was probably the year's most action-packed day at NYMC. Every year there is a powderpuff flag-football game between first- and second-year women. It is taken very seriously.

The game was well attended by students, faculty, and male cheerleaders. The second years won, which is good, because if I'm a first year here next year I want to be playing a team that has already tasted defeat.

This took place on the same day as the AMP student's first biostatistics midterm. It was a little more tricky than we wanted it to be but we all did well. I think we're all pretty much acing biostat, as advertised.

Immediately after the midterm was the wild 'n crazy Halloween party in the cafeteria. I had a 5-minute costume on, but there were some real doozies. One guy came as "a dude taking a shower," some of my AMP friends were Ken and Ryu from Street Fighter, but my favorite costume was these guys:

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